The key to a successful 7 figure income online is making sure you have a lively marketing plan. Most people Internet marketing plan do not work and die out because they are missing these three major components
Go Viral: You must create a least one campaign that goes viral which in turn will create tons of links back to your site aka linkbait. Targeted viral campaigns will give you exposure on the front in ,but on the back in is where its at . when your site begins to age and you have all those links pointing back to your site it give relevancy thus help your rank in the search engines which gives you exposure your never have to pay for.
The Give away : The giveaway in Internet marketing is so key because for a pennies on the dollar you can get people flocking to your site to sign up for a "freebie". You give them something for free in exchange for a sign up or opt in . Once you have them on your list that are potential customers for life .
Joint Venture (JV) : The Internet has stop a lot of people of being successful because they have become hermits . Stuck in their homes spending most of their time away from person to person contact. Well there are a select few out their who feel networking is still one of thee if not thee most powerful tool a person in business has. Joint ventures can not only net you sales it can also help you create new relationships and possibly new products.
So with these three components you will be able to start and build that 7 figure income.
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